英语本科,法学硕士,中华全国律师协会会员,北京律师协会会员 全国优秀律师事务所金博大律师事务所北京分所执业律师 张式杰律师不仅具备深厚的理论功底和丰富的实践经验,还掌握心理学的专业知识,能够通过女性律师的细腻视角以及深刻的洞察力来处理案件,曾成功代理过大量的涉外离婚案件以及普通民事案件,其专业素养和认真敬业的精神受到当事人的一致好评。曾撰写过《劳动纠纷常见问题及解决》、《白领离婚自助手册》、《移民美国50问》等作品。此外,张式杰律师还关注公益事业,乐于奉献爱心,为公司企业、社区居民举办公益讲座,并多次为需要维权的弱势群体提供法律援助,多次被评为东城区先进普法志愿者。 擅长法律领域:公司事务、合同纠纷、婚姻家庭、遗产继承、房产纠纷、国际贸易。 服务范围: 1、为公民的婚姻、家庭、继承、买卖和租赁房屋、侵权等问题提供咨询法律意见,草拟、审查、签订合同和协议; 2、婚姻、继承、分家析产; 3、交通、工伤等人身损害赔偿; 4、房产交易、租赁、抵押;律师陪购房地产; 5、保险理赔; 6、涉外民事:涉外婚姻、继承、收养、侵权法律服务; 7、代理诉讼、仲裁、和解、调解、谈判,起草、审查合同、协议、遗嘱等法律文件; 8、移民、留学服务 9、办理律师见证、代办公证业务; 10、签发律师函; 11、其他公民个人法律服务。 金博大律师事务所成立于1997年,是一家能够为社会各界提供全方位法律服务的大型综合性品牌律师事务所。自2002年至今,连续九年被评为全国优秀律师事务所。金博大律师事务所在北京、上海设有分所,在美国旧金山设立有办事机构。 金博大律师事务所北京分所坐落于北京市朝阳区广渠路首城国际C座739室,目前己形成一支学历高,专业性强,业务门类齐全,经验丰富的专业化、团队化、国际化的法律服务队伍。除具有人才优势以外,律师事务所的办公硬件设施完善,400多平方米的现代化办公场所、丰富的图书资料、现代化的网络通讯手段、快速便捷的交通工具,可为当事人提供优质高效的法律服务。金博大北京分所是美中国际商会、澳大利亚华夏传媒集团的战略合作伙伴,在外商投资、移民留学等方面具有雄厚的资源,可为您提供优质的涉外服务。 Zhang Shijie lawyer graduated from Zhengzhou University and obtained a LLB degree. As a member of China Bar Association, Zhang Shijie lawyer specializes in international marriage, emigration to USA, succession, real estate and labor disputes. Practicing in Kingbird Law Firm, which is a full-service law firms in China,Zhang Shijie has represented a lot of civil cases, especially marriage and family, succession and real estate disputes. Besides, Zhang Shijie has successfully helped many people emigrate to USA with her legal service. Working language is both Chinese and English. Personal statement:When your future is at stake,call me! I pledge to provide my best service to every client,every time. About Kingbird: Established in 1997,Kingbird is recognized as one of the leading law firms in China. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Los Angles , the firm has approximately 170 lawyers representing and protecting the interests of abroad range of companies and individual clients from China and abroad. The firm has been representing clients in complex lawsuits in all levels of courts both in China and abroad. Kingbird Law Firm Beijing Branch has a team of lawyers,who speak both English and Chinese,specializing in criminal cases,international marriage and real estate disputes. Kingbird Beijing Branch has established strategetic cooperative relation with China-US Chamber of Commerce and AC Media Group for years, which makes Kingbird lawyers provide better service for you. 金博大律师事务所北京分所地理位置:北京市朝阳区广渠路36号院首城国际C栋739 驾车路线: 双井桥向东600米路南。 乘车路线: 乘23路、715路、35路公交车九龙花园站下车即到。 地铁路线: 乘10号线双井站B口前行600米路南。 专长领域