吉林正基律师事务所主任,中共党员,长春仲裁委员会仲裁员,投资项目分析师,中国法学会会员,吉林省律师实习指导老师,长春市律师协会理事,长春市律师协会公司法律专业委员会成员,长春市朝阳区法律顾问团专家组成员,长春市二道区政府法律顾问。 从业以来,代理诉讼及非诉讼案件达千余件,先后担任数家金融、保险、证券、房地产及医药等企业的常年法律顾问。多年来致力于公司与投资法律的研究与实践,长期关注国有资产管理、企业改制、公司并购与股权激励、项目投融资与公司诉讼等法律事务,熟悉资本运作、企业上市、私募、IPO、上市公司重组、重整、等具体法律事务的操作实务,为房地产开发、金融机构不良贷款的催收、资产证券化、信托理财等方面提供过全方位的法律服务,积累了丰富的企业清算、破产事务的管理工作经验。
Zhang Rui, is Director of Jilin ZhengJi Law Office and also an arbitrator in Changchun Arbitration Committee. He has been a lawyer for more than ten years, during which he has handled more than 1,000 litigation and non-litigation cases, and has successively worked as a legal advisor in several big, middle and small enterprises. The cases he has handled involved those concerning finance, insurance, real estate, enterprise restructuring, merger and reorganization, etc. For years he has established stable social relations with the Supreme People's Court, provincial courts of all levels and the arbitration department. Zhang Rui, the director of Jilin ZhengJi Law Office, is also an arbitrator in Changchun Arbitration Committee. He is also a member of Chinese Real Estate Developer Jilin Subsidiary, faulty advisor of practice lawyers in Jilin Province, Changchun Attorney Association director,member of Changchun Attorney Association Company Law Committee, and member of Changchun Chaoyang District Counselor Council. He has been a layer for more than ten years, during which he has handled more than 1,000 litigation and non-litigation cases, and has successively worked as a legal advisor in several big, middle and small enterprises.
Jilin ZhengJi Law Office was founded in 2006. It has the qualification of bankruptcy administrator, meanwhile, it is a practice base for lawyers in Jilin Province. It is a strong office whose comprehensive strength takes up the top ten of the law offices of Changchun.There is no doubt that it is an excellent intermediary institution of Changchun.ZhengJi consists of the professional qualified personnel who graduated from top law schools in China as well as having doctor degree or master degree. Due to our comprehensive and profound theory,substantial experience in lawyer business,wide social connections,we have the capability to provide law services at home and abroad in such areas as securities, corporate merging, project financing, bankruptcy liquidation,international investment, trade, intellectual property right, and real estate and acts as an agent for handling disputes arising in these areas.
Contact us:
Address: 1# Fuzhi Road Changchun City ( at the crossroads of Jingyue Street and Fuzhi Road )
Bus Routes: 1. Light Rail Transit line 3 , Fuzhi Road stop ( line 3 is from Railway station to Century Movie City)
2. Bus Line 102, Fuzhi Road Stop ( line 102 is from Renmin Square to Century Movie City)
3. Bus Line 120, Yutan Zhenzhengfu stop ( line 120 is from station 1 to Economic Information College )
Tel.: 0431-81937918/81937928/81937968/81937978
Post Code: 130122
E-mail: zhengjilvshi@126.com
Web Site: www.zhengjilvshi.com
QQ: 843903753
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