北京师范大学法学硕士 北京市天岳律师事务所律师 主要执业领域:房地产纠纷、房屋拆迁纠纷、工程欠款纠纷、土地纠纷、企业法律风险控制、刑事辩护等。 该律师在实践中办理了大量的诉讼与非诉讼案件,包括仲裁案件。在民商事法律领域积累了丰富的工作经验和专业技巧,具有深厚的法学理论水平,工作认真细致,具有出色的分析判断、解决实际问题的能力,习惯多角度思维,富于创新能力。另外,该律师曾经参加过ef英语培训、lawspirits法律英语培训,具有非常强的外语能力。 格言:以客观事实说话,以法律实现正义,是我的最高追求。 执业证号:11101200910470974 msn:nctredman@hotmail.com qq:64972006 工作语言:英文、中文 办理的主要案件包括: 北京某国有企业诉山东塑料有限公司涉外买卖合同纠纷案 北京某房地产公司与深圳市康佳视讯系统工程有限公司承揽合同纠纷案 北京某房地产公司与国都建设集团有限公司建设工程施工合同纠纷案 北京某房地产公司与郑州森泰特种防水工程有限公司建设工程施工合同纠纷案 北京某房地产公司与廊坊中天建设有限公司建设工程施工合同纠纷案 北京某房地产公司与保利建设开发总公司建设工程施工合同纠纷案 北京某房地产公司与北京光之恒照明设备有限公司买卖合同纠纷案 北京市天岳律师事务所 地址:北京市朝阳区北土城西路元大都7号f座9层 邮编:100029 电话:010-82275936 http://www.topmountlawfirm.com/demo/index.asp attorney nie chengtao (bill) master of law cell-phone:13810624837 e-mail:niechengtao@126.com msn:nctredman@hotmail.com education graduated from law school of one prestigious university of china---beijing normal university. major in law for 8 years with profound legal knowledge and good english skills. areas of practices 1, specialized in commercial investments, international trade affairs, corporate matters and litigation related affairs. 2, had extensive experience in providing legal services to domestic and foreign enterprises in their investments in china, 3, helped domestic and foreign companies establish operations and representative offices in china. 4, handled the reorganizations, mergers and acquisitions of a number of renowned domestic and foreign corporations. 5, represented numerous major domestic and foreign banks and financial institutions in litigations involving guarantees, m& a and credit. 6, tackled a large number of litigation and arbitration cases involving international trade, real estate, real estate development, construction, operation, realty management, and the resolution of related disputes. 7, represented domestic and international clients in a number of cases involving various issues arising from loans, guarantees, credits and share transfers. languages chinese and english beijing topmount lawfirm 9f 7#yuangdadu beitucheng west road, chaoyang district, beijing, 100029, p.r.china tel:(86)010-82275936 fax:(86)010-82275983 http://www.topmountlawfirm.com/demo/index.asp