林晓玉 律师,北京张宏伟律师事务所国际业务部主任,低碳经济法律部负责人,北京伟林知识产权代理公司负责人,北京律协国际投资与贸易法律专业委员会委员,环太平洋律师协会会员。 林晓玉律师毕业于大连外国语学院,获英语学士学位;后就读于中央民族大学,获法学硕士学位,执业期间,进修了欧盟竞争法、产品责任法,美国商法、劳工法,知识产权法,并参加了中荷国际法培训项目。 林晓玉律师的主要执业领域为跨境投资、国际贸易、低碳经济法律服务,反垄断法律事务、海商海事,知识产权、特许经营、以及国际商事仲裁等。林律师尤其在帮助国外企业进入中国市场、设立代表处、中外合资企业以及中资企业的离岸业务运作方面,非常娴熟。 林晓玉律师曾发表法律专业论文多篇:,,,,,,,等。 ms. lin is the chief director of international department and cdm-related legal affairs of h&w lawyers. ms. lin is the member of international investment & trade committee of beijing bar association and inter-pacific bar association. ms. lin obtained art bechalor degree from dalian university of foreign languages and obtained master degree from central university for nationalities. in the process of pracitcing, mr. lin studies further on eu competition law and procuct liability law, american commercial law and takes part in training on international law sponsored by sino-dutch. ms. lin specializes in international business, iprs, franchising ,maritime matters and adr. ms. lin has published several law-related articles: parallel import of patent commodities; analysis on iprs laws & regulations development & perfection; talks on china anti-trust legislation in respect of iprs abuse, discussion on copyright protection as to works of folklore; analysis on legal limitation as to ownership, ideas on social security of rural workers; legal regulating on tax avoidance by transfering price fixing