周晚宁律师毕业于上海知名法学学府——华东政法大学国际法学院,现于浙江腾智律师事务所执业。曾在多家浙江知名律所工作,服务众多知名外资企业、外贸企业、互联网企业等,经验丰富。擅长领域包括国际贸易、国际投资、外资并购等涉外法律服务;婚姻家事、家族信托等家事法律服务;民间借贷、买卖合同纠纷等债权债务法律服务等。致力于为当事人提供高品质、全方位的法律服务。Eva W. Zhou Attorney-at-law Ms. Zhou graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law which is a famous law school in Shanghai. Now, Ms. Zhou is working at Zhejiang Tenwise Law Firm as attorney. Ms. Zhou has been working in several well-known law firms in Hangzhou and has earned significant experience by providing professional legal service to amounts of foreign-owned enterprise, foreign trade enterprises and Internet enterprises, etc. Ms. Zhou’s domain expertise is in foreign affairs, divorce dispute, credit and debt dispute, etc.