杜爱民律师,2004年毕业于郑州大学,法学硕士,刑法学专业。杜律师工作和学习期间撰写的主要专业文章有《论罪责刑相适应原则》《论罪刑法定原则》《论法律面前人人平等原则》《为许霆辩护》《论强奸罪》《盗窃罪与贪污罪比较研究》《职务侵占罪与贪污罪比较研究》《危害公共安全罪与交通肇事罪比较研究》《商业合同签订注意事项》《妨害公务罪的研究》《盗窃罪的犯罪中止与犯罪未遂》《论非法吸收公众存款罪》《我国监所工作改进的设想》等专业文章。杜律师是上海海贝律师事务所专职律师,中华全国律师协会会员,上海市政府法律援助律师。多次担任国内外重大刑事案子的辩护工作。因为诉讼涉及人的财产、自由甚至生命。杜律师坚信法律,把每个诉讼做到极致,竭尽全力维护委托人的权利和利益。杜律师坚信:法律的作用是控制公权,刑法和刑事诉讼法的作用是控制刑罚权,防止有人以国家的名义随意行使刑罚权,罪刑擅断,保障公民的基本人权!真正实现罪刑法定,实现法律面前人人平等,实现罪责刑相适应等法律原则。最终实现把公权关进法律的笼子。公民主张权利,社会伸张正义,法律就是武器,公民放弃权利,法律就是文字。每一次维权,就是文明的进步,愿我们为法定权利转变为现实权利而努力奋斗!杜律师,做人真诚,技术专业,经验丰富,工作负责,办事高效,值得信赖!Lawyer Du Aimin,graduated from Zhengzhou University in 2004,master of law,major in criminal law.Lawyer Du has written some professional articles,such asand so on.Du lawyer works at Shanghai Haibei law office,a member of the Chinese Lawyers Association,a member of Shanghai municipal government legal aid lawyers,repeatedly served the domestic and foreign major criminal cases as a defense lawyer.Lawyer Du firmly believes in the law,works perfectly,try his best to maintain the client's rights and interests,because every suit involves parties'freedom/properties or even lives.Lawyer Du believes:the primary role of law is to control the power,criminal law and criminal procedure law's role are to control the power of punishment,to prevent people,in the name of the country,to exercise the power of punishment,to protect the fundamental human rights of citizens!Let's work hard,for the principles of law,like the principle of suiting punishment to crime and criminal responsibility,the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime,the principle in the equal application of the criminal law to anyone committing a crime coming true.let the power only abides law.Citizens advocate rights,society uphold justice,law is weapons.Citizens give up the rights,the law is really a piece of paper.Every time rights protecting is the progress of civilization.Wish us strive and change the legal rights to the actual rights!Lawyer Du,is honest,professional,experienced,responsible,efficient,trustworthy!