徐亦,华东政法学院法学士,复旦大学法律硕士,多年著名高校法学院学习的经历使其具备深厚的法律底蕴。 Sean Xu, has earned his LLB degree from East China University of Policy and Law and LLM degree from Fudan University . Years of dedicated academic study in prestigious law school awards him with profound legal background. 徐亦律师曾经多年担任检察机关公诉人,这些经历使徐律师掌握了我国刑事法律及刑事诉讼相当专业的知识。在以往的法律从业经历中,徐律师一贯视法庭辩论艺术为个人追求,实为理论与实践兼备。 With many years outstanding experience in s judiciary system serving as a prosecutor before joining Justway, Sean has a sound knowledge of criminal law and criminal litigation. Having always been pursuing delivery of superb performance in court debate, he has equipped himself with both theoretical and practical legal expertise. 徐亦自加入律师行业以来,办理了多起诉讼案件,积累了相当的民商法律知识。在办案当中充分运用优势,善于通过积极的代理行为影响法官的主观判断。其中尤其擅长刑事案件,人身损害赔偿纠纷,房产、工程等各类合同纠纷,劳动争议等。同时徐亦律师对于合同的审订、商业谈判、企业的建制等非诉讼业务也有相当的经验,同时担任了数家单位的法律顾问,包括上海合胜计算机科技有限公司、上海百臣装潢工程有限公司、香港梅林集团有限公司、上海秀佐装饰设计工程有限公司等。 Since be a lawyer, Sean has handled quite a few legal cases, therefore accumulating insightful knowledge of civil and commercial law. He is good at taking proactive action as an agent ad litem to win favorable judgment by judge at court. His primary specialty practice area includes criminal lawsuits, tort litigation, disputes over contracts in fields of real property, construction etc. and labor disputes. He is also specialized in non-litigation legal services of reviewing and drafting contracts, representing in business negotiations and construction and organization of enterprises. In addition, he is serving as corporate counsel for a few corporations, including Shanghai MVS Computer Co., Ltd, Shanghai Sun Year Decoration Co., Ltd, Hongkong Meilin Group Co., Ltd, Shanghai Xiuzuo Decoration & design Co., Ltd, etc. 全心全意为当事人服务,在社会法律事务上为当事人指点迷津,是徐亦加入律师行业的衷心愿望。勤业、敬业、诚信是徐律师一贯所信守的准则。徐律师期待与社会各界精英共铸辉煌。 To serve clients by heart and soul and provide best legal consultation is the firm commitment of Sean, who has always been strictly observing professional ethics of diligence, dedication and integrity. He believes that the development and prospering of legal profession will be achieved side by side with the growth of his clients.